Interesting Facts About Chile

Interesting Facts About Chile

October 25, 2016

Interesting Facts About Chile

If you couldn’t already tell, we LOVE spending our summers in Chile. It’s hard to find a reason not to love it. The amazing mountains, culture, beaches and adventure sports….the list can go on and on. Here’s a few fun facts about Chile that’ll make you want to head down to the southern hemisphere!

1. The Worlds Largest Swimming Pool is in Chile

In Algarrobo City, along the pacific coast of the southern hemisphere you’ll find the worlds largest swimming pool. It is an artificial paradise like no other. The pool has a length of 1,000 yards, an area of 20 acres and a maximum depth of 115- feet. It holds 66 million gallons of crystal clear seawater.

This pool is the size of 20 olympic pools

This pool is the size of 20 olympic size swimming pools!

2. You Can Find Penguins in Chile

Penguins can be found in several areas of the country. If you’re by the beach you’re likely to find them there as the humboldt penguins along the pacific coast of northern Chile with about bout 12,000 breeding pairs in the country. The Seno Otway Penguin Colon are found in the southern region.

Humboldt Penguins in Northern Chile

Humboldt Penguins on the north coast

3. Chile has One of the Longest Coastlines in the World

Since Chile is one of the longest countries in the world, it would only make sense to have one of the longest coastlines as well with it being around 6500 km long. It is also one of the narrowest in the world with a width of just over 200 km.

The beautiful coastline in Chile

The coastline there is also one of the most beautiful in the world

4. Chile is Home to the Oldest Mummy in the World

The Chinchorro mummies lived along the northern coast of Chile and were discovered in the Atacama Desert in 1917. They dates back to around 5000-7000 B.C. In Egypt, they reserved this holy rite for kings and luminaries. Although the Chincurro granted the community the rite of mummification regardless of age or status.

One of the Chinchorro mummies dating back to 5050 B.C

One of the Chinchorro mummies found in the Camarones Valley

5. The Alerce Tree is One of the Tallest Trees in the World

The Alerce tree, found in the southern region, is native to the the Andes mountains and also one of the worlds 10 oldest living trees. Some of the Alerce trees found are over 4,000 years old.

The Alerce Tree

The branches are relatively short and grow horizontally or downwards

Evolve Chile campers come home with new cultural experiences and having learnt about the history of this awesome country. We offers city tours of Santiago that will open your eyes to how amazing this southern hemisphere truly is.

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