We know you have questions, so we’ve listed a number of them below in our Frequently Asked Questions. Click the section links in the menu to jump between sections. We hope this is helpful, but if your question isn’t answered below, give us a call and we can walk you through.


02. How do you teach someone an action sport?

On the first day of camp we assess a camper's skills. After we break into groups we run through a series of fundamental skills to make sure everyone in the group is on the same page. Then, we hone in on skills through demonstration by staff and repetition by our campers. We have found this to be a useful teaching method for skateboarding, biking, snowboarding and many other action sports. Many people have learned on their own after years of practice and hard falls: at Evolve, we're confident we can accelerate the process through our methods of teaching - sometimes with a healthy number of falls!

03. What is the staff to camper ratio?

Evolve Camps for all sports have a 1:6 or 1:8 staff to camper ratio, ensuring that all campers are receiving sufficient attention and supervision.

04. Do campers have to participate in lessons?

Campers are not forced into camp lessons, but they are asked to participate. If the lesson is covering skills that the camper has already mastered they will be able to free ride. They will then receive a one on one lesson in the afternoon where they can work on a new skill.

05. How do you ensure safety at camp?

Extreme sports have their inherent risks - it's hard to progress in these sports without taking on new challenges and exposing ourselves to greater risk. At Evolve, we try to limit exposure to injury by ensuring campers wear helmets and enough functional padding. Safety is also an integral part of the training and camp environment of Evolve. Our staff teach extreme sports within specific limits in a step by step method. We employ a “challenge by choice” philosophy, which means we never force anyone to do something they’re not comfortable doing. Instead we offer the challenge, its there for the taking.

06. Do campers need lunch?

Yes all campers need to bring a lunch. For some programs we offer hot lunch programs.

07. Your videos and pictures look cool, but everyone looks so professional. Will my child be doing all those crazy tricks?

We obviously try and showcase our best “talent” in these videos. If they are beginners, your child probably isn't at the level of some of the shots in our video/photos. Maybe some day, but for now they are more at a developmental level. They will still be in Camp videos and/or Photographs taken at camp.

08. My child doesn’t know anybody at the camp. Will they make new friends?

Many campers come to camp not knowing anybody. On the first day of camp our staff ensure that all campers get to know each other. The best part about the program is that they are with the same “cabin” for the entire season, so close bonds are formed quickly.

09. My child has never participated in an action sport before, should they attend camp?

Yes! Whether they're a learned snowboarder transitioning to skateboarding, or new to action sports in general, we have a wide range of skills levels at all of our camps. We pride ourselves on taking beginner campers and teaching them the skills they need to love their sport of choice. Nothing is more exciting than having a beginner camper show up on a Monday as a complete rookie and leave on a Friday like a veteran.

10. Are Evolve Camps affordable?

We have priced Evolve Camps as an affordable day camp program. You will find that the price of our camps are about the average price of quality day camps and programs.

11. Do I get a discount if I have another sibling/child enrolled in the camp?

Families with multiple campers (who are siblings with the same parents and residence) will receive the following discounts: $25 off the 2nd registration (does not apply for March break), $25 off the 3rd registration.

12. What if I miss the bus during one of the pick up times?

Our buses need to be on time in order to maximize our time at camp. That being said, our buses leave at the exact time that is on the schedule. If you miss the bus, it is your responsibility to drive your child up to camp or to the next stop nearest to you.

13. Can my child stay behind at the end of the day and catch a ride home with me?

Yes, All you need to do is notify our office that your child will not be coming home on the bus. We will provide instructions on how to do this.


01. What skills can I expect my child will learn?

Throughout the week we ensure that all campers master the basics of skateboarding: basic riding, board control, stopping and pushing, basic ramps, park etiquette and entry level tricks. All riders that are intermediate and advanced will learn a larger range of tricks.

02. What do campers need to attend camp?

Campers need a skateboard, helmet, knee and elbow pads. If you have any specific questions about what kind of board to get or what brands are good etc... please check our equipment guide or email or call us.

03. What Skate Parks do we visit for our bus programs?

Throughout the week we visit up to 5 parks. These 5 parks vary based on region (Toronto, York Region, Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver, etc...), and may they also change due to daily weather conditions.


01. What skills can I expect my child will learn?

Throughout the week we ensure that all campers master the basics of scootering: basic riding, board control, stopping and pushing, basic ramps, park etiquette and entry level tricks. All riders that are intermediate and advanced will learn a larger range of tricks.

02. What do campers need to attend camp?

Campers need a scooter, helmet, knee and elbow pads. If you have any specific questions about what kind of scooter to get or what brands are good etc... please check our equipment guide or email or call us.

03. What Skate Parks do we visit on the bus program?

Throughout the week we visit up to 5 parks. These 5 parks vary based on region (Toronto, York Region, Ottawa, Calgary, Vancouver, etc...), and may they also change due to daily weather conditions.


01. My child is in the freestyle program, do they need to wear a mouth guard?

Mouth guards, like the ones you wear for hockey are a great way to protect your child's teeth. They also help protect campers from biting into their lips.

02. Can my child practice their tricks on the Mount St. Louis Moonstone Air Bag?

Individuals or groups that want to participate in the airbag program must pay for the season’s pass. Air Bag costs are not included in the cost of camp.

03. My child is 6 and is in the youngest group you have. Do instructors bring them in frequently for bathroom breaks, snacks or even warming up?

With our youngest campers in the 6-8 age range, instructors tend to come inside a little more often for snacks and warming up.

04. My child has no clue and is way too young to put on his own equipment. Do your coaches assist younger kids?

Our coaches help any child, especially the youngest ones with all their equipment needs. They assure boots are on tight, helmets are on properly and all outerwear is properly covering their skin.

05. What kind of movies do the kids watch on the bus?

We generally like to bring ski and snowboard movies. Campers are allowed to bring videos which are rated Family or PG.

07. Are there any breaks in the afternoon?

Groups take breaks as needed. With younger kids there are mandatory rest breaks.

08. Should my child bring snacks for the ride home?

It is recommended kids bring enough food for lunch and snacks for the way home. This will ensure that if there is a delay on the highway due to weather, they have food to eat.

09. What should my child pack for the day?

All campers should pack their ski or snowboard equipment, which will be loaded on the bottom of the bus. On the bus they should pack a bag (small duffle or backpack) with gloves, helmet, goggles, food, snacks, extra socks in case, hand warmers incase, ski and snowboard boots should also be on the bus.

10. What happens on extreme cold days?

In the history of Evolve Snow Camps, we have not cancelled any program due to extreme cold weather. The only way we will cancel a day is if the mountain closes.

11. What happens on a day where it rains?

Our program continues even if it’s raining. If Mount St. Louis Moonstone closes for the day then we will close. If the resort is not closed it’s a good idea to send your child up with extra change of clothes, poncho or large garbage bags works. Extra gloves are a good idea! The likelihood of rain at Mt Norquay in the winter is less likely.

13. When is my child ready for the freestyle program?

Your child’s instructor will notify them and the snow school director that the move is needed or recommended

14. What is your freestyle program all about?

Our freestyle ski and snowboard program offers terrain park instruction. Our terrain park program also caters to beginners, intermediate and advanced riders.

15. What if my child gets injured or sick and can't start or continue the program?

We offer medical/emergency insurance, which is available for purchase at the time of enrolment. We highly recommend it.


01. I think my camper’s skill level is beginner / intermediate / advanced. If they are not in the correct level, will they moved into a different group?

Yes; we want to ensure your child is getting the appropriate instruction. On the first day, and also throughout the season, we will be monitoring each camper’s progression to ensure their are grouped correctly.

02. If my child starts in a lower level and improves after a few weeks at camp, will they be moved up?

Our instructors are always monitoring each camper’s progression. If they need to be moved up to a more advanced group, they will be moved (provided there is space in a more advanced group).

03. Does the advanced group go into the terrain parks?

Entering the terrain parks is not permitted unless you are part of the of the Freestyle program.

04. If my child is younger, will they get help putting gear on in the morning?

Yes, our staff will assist your child with putting on all of their gear, as well as getting their gear on and off of the bus.

05. Will my child get assistance getting on the chairlift?

Yes, our instructors, along with chairlift operators, will ensure that our campers get on and off safely every time.

06. Where do kids eat their lunch?

All of our campers eat their lunch at the base lodge. Campers eat with the other kids in their group and their instructor.

07. If I send my child with money, will their instructor help them purchase food?

Yes, our instructors will help campers purchase a yummy & nutritious lunch.

08. How many bathroom breaks do beginner/younger kids take?

Instructors will frequently ask their campers if they need a bathroom break. At minimum, there is a morning, lunch and afternoon break. If kids need to go more, the group will take a break and go in together.


01. What do campers need to attend camp?

Campers need a bike, helmet, bike lock, water bottle, and their lunches for the day. If you have any specific questions about what kind of equipment to get or what brands are good etc... please check our equipment guide or email or call us.

02. What skill level does my camper need to attend camp?

Your camper should be able to bike ride for distances between 15-30km comfortably. They must be confident riding a two wheel bike, and following the paths and trails in Toronto.


01. How do my kids travel down to Costa Rica?

Evolve Surf Camp gets campers from all over the world. We try and organize flight options so campers coming from the same area are flying together. Regardless of where they are coming from, our staff wait at the arrival airport until the last camper has arrived. If you need assistance booking a flight, please contact Evolve Surf Camp at 1.866.845.2831

02. What is your Policy with Drugs and Alcohol?

We have a zero tolerance policy at our surf camp, therefore if campers are found partaking in any illegal activity they will be sent home at the expense of the parents. You will have a chance to fully review our policies once you enroll your child.

03. Are surfboards included in the cost of camp?

Included in the cost of camp is a rash guard and a rental surfboard.

04. What do the kids do after they finish the day?

After campers finish the day, we have a wide variety of activities to choose from. As a group we organize evening programs, which often include: soccer, swimming, yoga and other fun games back at our villa. We eat dinners at home but on occasion head into town for dinner.

05. Is there a curfew for the campers?

Yes. Campers are required to be in their hotel rooms by 10:30pm every night.

06. Are lunches included in the cost of camp?

Lunches are not included with the camp.

07. Does the Evolve Surf Camp have night security?

Yes, we have a night guard with us from 7:00pm to 7:00am daily.

08. What if my child gets hurt while in Costa Rica?

Safety is our #1 priority. Our surf camp is equipped with certified CPR and First Aid instructors who can deal with minor injuries. Secondly, there is a full size hospital in downtown Liberia. In Santa Teresa there are 2 emergency medical clinics as well as an emergency medical clinic in Cobano, which is approximately 30 minutes away from our villa. For more severe emergencies, campers are driven to San Jose or in extreme emergencies are flown in by helicopter or plane. All campers require comprehensive ( medical, cancellation/interruption, baggage) insurance in order to attend camp.

09. Currency, Exchange Rates and Cash

The official currency in Costa Rica is the Colon. Most shops and restaurants accept US Dollars. There are ATMs in town or at the airport where campers can take out money. Please be advised that ATMs in foreign countries may have daily or weekly withdrawal limits, in addition to any foreign access limits imposed by your bank on the accounts your child may try to access.

10. How do I reach my child while they are at camp?

Calls to campers should only be on an emergency basis, however, if your child has a cell phone you can reach them directly. Lastly, for emergencies, parents will have access to our supervisors cell phone.

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