Our Favourite Skate Photos: J. Grant Brittain

November 1, 2014

Here at Evolve Skate Camp our favourite thing to do is share skateboarding with people. Whether it is through skateboard lessons with our awesome coaches, chatting with campers, parents and friends at the skatepark, or just sharing our favourite skate clips and photographs. That is why every now and then here on the Evolve Skate Camp blog we are going to showcase some of our favourite skate photos of all time.
The first photo I want to share happens to by my all time favourite skateboard photo, and one of my favourite photos in general. Shot by J. Grant Brittain in 1986 for The Skateboard Mag Brittain perfectly captures the Bones Brigade; Tony Hawk, Lance Mountain, Mike McGill, and Steve Caballero in synchronized hand plant on the top of an enormous vert ramp. I love this photograph because it displays the playfulness and camaraderie of a skate session, athletic prowess, while having excellent colour, flow and composition. Additionally this photo in my mind successfully captures the essence of a critical epoch in skate history, the clothes, the boards, the players. Skateboarding was changing and this photo captures a transition.



Come jam with us at Evolve Skate Camp or hit us up at one of our comps and let’s make history in a photograph like this.

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