Frontline Rail Jam 2014

Frontline Rail Jam 2014

October 25, 2014

Hey y’all! hope everyone is having a mellow weekend,
Just to keep the anticipation alive for this coming winter and the ski and snowboard season we have a  little clip to help you get your jollies. It is a recap of the 10th annual Frontline Rail Jam taking place recently in Stockholme, Sweden, so grab yourself a nice big cup of coffee, or green tea or water or whatever you like to drink, maybe some popcorn or almonds or something and get ready for the show.

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Now these guys definitely make it look easy but that doesn’t mean it is entirely out of reach! Here at Evolve Snow Camps we have highly certified freestyle ski and snowboard coaches who specialize in teaching groms how to hit rails and other terrain park elements, so this winter in the Junkyard and Outback Terrain parks at Mount St. Louis Moonstone you will definitely see some of our campers and coaches going big and working on their rail game. For the results of this particular Rail Jam head over to Transworld Snowboarding.

[vimeo 109475998 w=500 h=281]

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