Clip of the Week: Lizard King’s Ollie

Clip of the Week: Lizard King’s Ollie

October 25, 2014

What’s happening y’all! Hope everyone is having a great weekend and taking advantage of the weather while we still can, hopefully you are out skating, but if you came inside to grab some nachos or have a drink of purple stuff or whatever reason you may have to be behind your screen this weekend, we have a really rad clip for you to check out. Coming from Thrasher,

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we have the Kill Tape video series’ Lizard King’s Ollie. The reason why we love this clip is because it reminds us just how important, functional, and plain gnarly an ollie can be. The staple move of skateboarding, in this clip, we see the ollie performed on a slanted, rough library stairway feature. Now if you are just starting this year with us at Evolve Skate Camp you may not be throwing such a huge air, but we can guarantee you will have plenty of time to perfect your ollies with our expert coaches.
Practice that pop, and check out that video clip.

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