Lars Barmoen Halvorsen Style Master

Lars Barmoen Halvorsen Style Master

October 18, 2014

Most of the clips we come across these days feature snowboarders laying it all on the line to clear an insane gap or boost an air that makes our palms sweat from just watching, that’s why it is so refreshing to see clips from guys like Lars Barmoen Halvorsen.

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In the Squideo (seen below) Halvorsen showcases his large repertoire of freestyle tricks but what is mostly impressive is the level of personal style that shines through his snowboarding. At Evolve Snow Camps we will always give a nod to good style, so give the clip a watch, and get excited for this winter, our coaches are waiting to up your style game in the Outback and Junkyard terrain parks!


[vimeo 88152701 w=500 h=281]

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