Used Ski Equipment vs. New Ski Equipment
Once you register for ski and snowboard camp for Evolve Snow Camps the next step is purchasing the gear. Every season many of our families ask us the same question. Do you recommend buying new or used. So here is what we have to say:
New Equipment Pros
- You get to choose exactly what you want. This includes color, size and style
- Lots of ski shops to shop from and compare pricing
- Most ski shops like The Station in Markham or Sign of the Skier in Toronto have a great buy back program. This allows you to exchange your gear after each season when your child out grows the equipment
- Get expert advice from a ski or snowboard sales person at the time of purchase

Cons of New Equipment
- More costly
Used Equipment Pros
- Most times cheaper than buying retail
- If your child doesn’t like the sport after one year, you do not take a huge loss
Used Equipment Cons
- You cant always get exactly what you need in terms of size and style
- Equipment is already worked in, so items like boots might be moulded to someone else foot
- No warranty or expert advice when purchasing
- If you do not purchase the gear early in the season it will be really tough to find something
- If the gear breaks after a couple of uses you can not exchange

Overall it comes down to know what you need and what your budget is. If you need any gear advice you can always give our office a call.