El Nino 2015/2016: Still Strengthening

August 17, 2015

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, better known as NOAA, has released their recent August weather advisory.


This August update marks a drastic change since the July release. The August advisory has boosted the strength of the 2015 El Nino from moderate to strong at its highest point.


This year’s El Nino is expected to be at its peak in late fall and early winter of 2015. This new updated forecasts suggests that El Nino will likely last in the Northern Hemisphere all the way into spring 2016.


What this means is that this year’s El Nino might reach a record-breaking high.


But what are the implications?

An El Nino season is a period with unusually warm temperatures here in the North. In having a record-breaking El Nino on our way, we can expect a milder season with less precipitation. We’ll see these effects more so on Canada’s west coast than here in central Canada.


These images demonstrate the effects of El Nino from November through to March.

ElNino2015 elnino-precip-typical-US


If you’re curious to find out HOW exactly El Nino’s occur. Check out this link here.


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