I have had the awesome pleasure of working at Evolve Snow Camps for the past few years and getting to wear various hats within the company. One thing that I think speaks volumes about the experience at Evolve Snow Camps is the passion of the company’s founders, who you can meet in the video below, and in human for eventually. The Evolve philosophy is something that directors Jeff and Daniel try to live and work by, healthy living, positivity growth, and a system of learning skiing and snowboarding that incorporates calculated challenges into the learning process without making campers leave their comfort zones.

Evolve Snow Camps is based in Toronto Ontario and has pickup locations in the city and all over the GTA, running out of Mount St. Louis Moonstone. Evolve Snow Camps has lessons for all levels of rider or skier and a freestyle program for advanced riders to focus on the fundamentals of tricks, and riding terrain park features. What truly makes Evolve special is the level of dedication by our directors, our awesome coaches, and of course the great new and returning campers we hang with on the slopes every winter.
[vimeo 28018359 w=100 h=281]