Evolve Skate Camp Summer Throwback from Kenny Skerrit

Evolve Skate Camp Summer Throwback from Kenny Skerrit

October 28, 2014

What’s goin on people?

Here at the Evolve Skate Camp headquarters we have been going clip crazy. Today we must have watched at least 600 skate, snowboard, free skiing, wake boarding, surfing and knitting clips and we still haven’t had enough. Here is one clip that got our office really stoked out; a shiny little edit from our pal Kenny Skerrit, showcasing some camp life this past summer at Evolve Skate Camp.

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Share this video if you spot yourself in it. Share it if you spot someone you know. Share it if you love to share. Sharing is caring. If you want to learn how to skate, or improve your style holler at Evolve Skate Camp, We already love you. Later!

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q3kMLwzBcsE]

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