Danny Way Jumps the Great Wall of China

October 27, 2014

Hey people, how are you?
Great. now that we have that out of the way let’s talk skateboarding. At Evolve Skate Camp some of our more advanced campers will get to work on gaps, that is jumping from one ramp over to another or ollieing over an obstacle.


Our coaches are experts at pulling off some of these maneuvers and can definitely help you learn how to make gaps if you are working on that. At Evolve Skate Camp our directors spend their off season travelling quite a fair bit which is why today’s clip appeals to us so much. One of our favourites, here we see Danny Way jump over the Great Wall of China. No really, this happened see it here

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsqFjvZ4Mqw]

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